Friday, November 21, 2008

To Teach, Or Not To Teach

A survey that was released on Monday reported that 98% of Texas scientists favor the unadulterated teaching of evolution in public schools. More than 450 biology and biological anthropology professors at fifty Texas colleges and universities participated in the survey. The state board of education is preparing to look at the controversy and weigh the pros and cons. The scientists believe that a student would be harmed if a weaker version of evolution was taught to the students.

I believe students should be exposed to all sides of the evolution controversy. If a weaker version is proposed, two things will happen. One, the student will do more research and become disappointed to know that their hard-earned tuition money is not being used to its full advantage, or two, not care because they don’t believe in that theory anyway. Different educational theories enable a student to think critically and outside their normal box. I know of some debates saying that if a student is to be taught the evolution theory, they must also be taught the creationism theory. I don’t believe that should be done because most scientists heavily favor and support the theory of evolutionism. If they are forced to teach the creationism theory, they will more than likely just “teach” from a text and I would rather be taught from someone who actually believed in the creationism theory, instead of just going through the motions.

One of the great things about going to college is to be taught to think for yourself. If a student chooses to not accept or be open to a particular theory, let them agree to disagree. The “agree to disagree” approach will better prepare them for the future and the stance they chose to take on controversial subjects.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Comment on "A Matter of Tar and Money"

I absolutely agree with “A Blue Dot in a Red State” about the state of our infrastructure. It’s bad and getting worse.

I work in downtown Austin and drive to work on 5th street then take 6th Street to Mopac to go home. The excessive pot holes, patched up old potholes, and random road construction screams that our streets are suffering incredible disrepair. One morning there might be a giant hole in one of the already tiny lanes and the next day it might be filled. Unfortunately, the fill does not make it much better and it becomes a circular speed bump. Cars swerve down 5th and 6th to dodge unfilled potholes and bounce off the bumps created by the fills, then swerve again because of the lane closures. It is frustrating and potentially dangerous. However, it is also somewhat embarrassing because there are luxury condos being built all over downtown. These upscale residents have to drive their luxury cars on these hazardous roads.

Enough venting. How do we fix it? I realize it is our hard-earned tax dollars that pay for our infrastructure, new and used. I don’t want to raise our tax base. So, I wonder the point of our toll road system? Wasn’t that revenue supposed to help pay for road repair? Bottom line – The state of our roads are in bad shape and dangerous for our drivers. It’s time to do something about it.