Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Comment on Keeping Students Safe in Texas

"Keeping Students Safe in Texas," a blog written by one of my classmates, regarding fingerprinting of employees of the Dallas school system reveals the frightening truth about some educators in the Texas school systems. Over 10% have criminal records, some with very serious convictions.
It’s also very unsettling the number of criminal records which were revealed after these teachers were hired which must mean they did not complete their job application honestly. I’m relieved to know that the state is now running fingerprints that will ensure that applicants with a criminal background will not be teaching our children. For those criminals, especially with serious convictions, who have already been hired and placed in the classroom, those teachers should lose their jobs for two reasons – 1. They dishonestly completed their job application and answered “no” to the question: “Have you ever been convicted of a crime?” and 2. I don’t want a person convicted of a crime, especially a felony, teaching math, English, phys ed, or any other subject to our susceptible and trusting children. Although I don't have any children, one day I will.
It is an unsettling and frightening world and we need to protect our children to the best of our political ability and if that means finger printing educators before putting them in a building with hundreds of other kids, then I say so be it!