Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Article Introduction

Texas delegates were showered with an assortment of gifts the week of the Republican National Convention by two of the state’s most popular political figures. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Governor Rick Perry were sending their love and praises to many of the GOP delegates attending the convention in St. Paul, Minnesota. Hutchinson attended the convention and posed for pictures with just about anyone who asked. Many delegates were wearing cowboy hats autographed by Hutchinson. She also gave out red tote bags with her name on them, filled with treats for each of the delegates. Perry stayed in Texas due to Hurricane Gustav, however, he did sponsor both a breakfast and after hours party, and also organized a prayer service for the delegates. His wife, Anita, did attend the convention to spend a day "glad-handing" the delegates. Are we starting to see potential candidates for the 2010 Texas governor’s race? All of the signs are there.

The Dallas Morning News posted an article on Friday, September 5th titled Hutchison, Perry keeping their names out there with gifts for Texas delegation, written by Christy Hoppe. Bill Lawrence of Highland Village said “Logically, this is where it would start.” Both individuals are supported and thought of very highly in Texas. This could be a tough choice for future voters because many are predicting these are the candidates in the race for the 2010 Texas governor.

I think candidates do need to start this “buttering up process” of voters and delegates early to make it known that they might be considering running in the next election for such a prominent elected position. The national convention seems to be the ideal time and place to start when everyone’s spirits and enthusiasm are so high.

To see the full article, click on the title of the article above.

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